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  WCERS provides retirement services for Active, Deferred, Retired Wayne County Employees, Wayne County Airport Authority Employees and Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court Employees.



Public Meetings

Retirement Board & Committee Meetings

The Wayne County Employees’ Retirement System (WCERS) has regularly scheduled Retirement Board meetings, which are open to its members and the public. Regular meetings of the Retirement  Commission are held at a time and place set by Rules of Procedure in accordance with Open Meetings Act (Public Act 267 of 1976).  

The County of Wayne does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to its programs, activities, or services as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Should you require further information, please contact us by writing or by calling 313.224.2846. 

Below is general information that may be helpful in understanding when Retirement Board meetings are scheduled, as well as when agendas and meeting minutes are made available to its members and the public.

Click here for the Regular Board Meeting Schedule

Click here for the Committee Board Meeting Schedule

General Information

Regular Meetings of Retirement Commission 

The Retirement Commission shall meet on a monthly basis. The meetings shall be held on the last Monday of each month whenever possible and will begin at 10:00 am. A schedule of regular monthly meetings for the year shall be formulated and posted by the Executive Secretary after adoption by the Retirement Commission at its December meeting. Meetings shall be held in the Wayne County Retirement System's offices unless otherwise posted.

Quarterly Meetings of Retirement Commission 

The Retirement Commission will meet whenever possible on the Friday or Monday, within 45 days, following the regular meeting in the months following each calendar quarter. Reports at the meeting will come from the Defined Benefit Investment Consultant, Defined Contribution Investment Advisor and other service providers from whom the Retirement Commission requests a report. Quarterly meetings may continue to the last Monday of that month to handle to higher number of agenda items and presentations that result from the end of quarter reports. 

Special Meetings of Retirement Commission 

A special meeting, or a change in date or time of a regularly scheduled meeting, or through other means of electronic communication (e.g., email, text message, etc.), provided that proper notice of the special meeting can be posted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.

Meeting schedules are posted pursuant to the Policy and in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, at the following locations:

  • Entrance of the WCERS Administrative Offices located at 28 West Adams, Suite 1900, Detroit,  MI  
  • Outside of the 18th Floor Conference Room 
  • website

Click here for a map

Minutes are posted, once approved, on this web page.

For questions or comments related to a Board meeting, please contact the WCERS Office at (313) 224-2846, or you may send an email to

Retirement Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting


January 31, 2022

Click here

February 28, 2022

Click here

March 28, 2022

Click here

April 25, 2022

Click here

May 27, 2022

Click here

June 24, 2022

Click here

July 25, 2022

Click here

August 29, 2022

Click here

September 26, 2022

Click here

October 31, 2022

Click here

November 28, 2022

Click here

December 19, 2022

Click here

January 30, 2023

Click here

February 27, 2023

Click here

March 27, 2023

Click here

April 24, 2023

Click here

May 31, 2023

Click here

June 26, 2023

Click here

July 31, 2023

Click here

August 28, 2023

Click here

September 25, 2023

Click here

October 30, 2023

Click here

Novmber 27, 2023

Click here

December 18, 2023

Click here

January 31, 2024

Click here

February 26, 2024

Click here

March 22, 2024

Click here

April 22, 2024

Click here

May 24, 2024

Click here

Quarterly Meeting


May 9, 2022

Click here

August 5, 2022

Click here

November 4, 2022

Click here

February 3, 2023

Click here

June 9, 2023

Click here

August 21, 2023

Click here

November 10, 2023

Click here

February 02, 2024

Click here

May 10, 2024

Click here

Special Meeting



Investment Review Committee Meeting



Audit Committee Meeting


January 27, 2022

Click here

February 24, 2022

Click here

March 22, 2022

Click here

April 21, 2022

Click here

May 19, 2022

Click here

June 16, 2022

Click here

July 21, 2022

Click here

August 18, 2022

Click here

September 15, 2022

Click here

October 20, 2022

Click here

Novmber 17, 2022

Click here

December 15, 2022

Click here

January 26, 2023

Click here

February 24, 2023

Click here

March 16, 2023

Click here

April 20, 2023

Click here

May 18, 2023

Click here

June 14, 2023

Click here

July 20, 2023

Click here

August 17, 2023

Click here

September 25, 2023

Click here

October 19, 2023

Click here

November 27, 2023

Click here

December 14, 2023

Click here

January 25, 2024

Click here

February 26, 2024

Click here

March 14, 2024

Click here

April 18, 2024

Click here

May 16, 2024

Click here

Policy Committee Meeting


April 21, 2022

Click here

April 20, 2023

Click here

May 18, 2023

Click here

Retirement Application Committee Meeting



Election Committee Meeting


December 21, 2022

Click here

September 28, 2022

Click here

November 14, 2022

Click here

Personnel Committee Meeting
